Cinque Terre

Douglas Motta

Android Developer

My Blog

About Me

Software Developer and Technology Student for passion, today working with the Android Platform at Concrete Solutions. I'm married to a beautiful girl, have got twenty-seven old and i'm father of one beautiful pet female cat named Arya (inspired in the Game Of Thrones, yep). In the free time i like to go out with the family and friends, enjoy my home (play video-game with my girl), to learn something new and play football.


Concrete | Part of Accenture

Android Developer

Development of apps in an agile way with Scrum for big companies, following the best practices of development, design (Material Design) and working together with professionals of the other areas, at the same Scrum time, like QA and Design to create apps of high quality to garantises a good user experience.


Android Developer

Development of new features to existing app.


PUC Minas

February 2012 - December 2015

Bachelor of Systems of Information


YouTube Channel

Channel to sharing knowledges about Programming Logic, Android Platform, Technologies Web and more.

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